Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Mauritius, Stop The Live Importation Of Cattle And Other Farm Animals!

Please sign and share the following petition: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Mauritius_Stop_The_Live_Import_of_Cattle_And_Other_Farm_Animals/?copy

Cattle and other farm animals in transit to Mauritius suffer enormously both during the interminable journey across oceans and as they are unloaded from ships to be taken to slaughterhouses or sold elsewhere. Cattle are imported to Mauritius mostly from Australia and South Africa.
Damning investigations and evidence by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in South Africa and Animals Australia have shown how these farm animals are transported in abject conditions, and are subjected to horrendous brutality, during and after the sea voyage. In a recent scandal, pregnant cattle were shipped to Mauritius from Australia in contravention of regulations. Many died during the voyage, and those who gave birth to calves had the calves taken from them and killed. Others which survived were subjected to roping and hoisting prior to having their throats cut in slaughterhouses. Farm animals are gentle, sentient creatures that feel intense fear, stress and pain, and ought not to be subjected to such atrocious cruelty.
There was once a time when slaves—hounded and captured from their native lands—were shepherded in overcrowded ships, labelled and treated as cargo. The immeasurable suffering of these human beings was once unrecognized and widely accepted as normal. Today, too, the slavery of animals—and such inacceptable cruelty towards them—is widespread and rarely questioned.
We, humans, ought to open our eyes and accept to see the truth of our actions: the inflicting of untold suffering upon millions of animals, when such suffering can be readily ended by stopping this cruel live import and export.
Hereby follows extracts of the eyewitness account of Reverend Walsh regarding the conditions involved in the importation of slaves; see for yourself if you can truly make a distinction between the suffering involved in importation of humans back in the days of slave trade and the suffering of animals in this day and age. The account below describes the suffering of slaves; but how true it rings today itself where the importation of live farm animals is concerned!
“As soon as the poor creatures saw us looking down at them, their dark and melancholy visages brightened up. They perceived some- thing of sympathy and kindness in our looks which they had not been accustomed to, and, feeling instinctively that we were friends, they immediately began to shout and clap their hands. One or two had picked up a few Portuguese words, and cried out, "Viva! Viva!" The women were particularly excited. They all held up their arms, and when we bent down and shook hands with them, they could not contain their delight; they endeavored to scramble up on their knees, stretching up to kiss our hands, and we understood that they knew we were come to liberate them. Some, however, hung down their heads in apparently hopeless dejection; some were greatly emaciated, and some, particularly children, seemed dying.
The heat of these horrid places was so great and the odor so offensive that it was quite impossible to enter them, even had there been room. They were measured as above when the slaves had left them. The officers insisted that the poor suffering creatures should be admitted on deck to get air and water. This was opposed by the mate of the slaver, who, from a feeling that they deserved it, declared they would murder them all. The officers, however, persisted, and the poor beings were all turned up together. It is impossible to conceive the effect of this eruption - 517 fellow creatures of all ages and sexes, some children, some adults, some old men and women, all in a state of total nudity, scrambling out together to taste the luxury of a little fresh air and water. They came swarming up like bees from the aperture of a hive till the whole deck was crowded to suffocation front stem to stern, so that it was impossible to imagine where they could all have come from or how they could have been stowed away. On looking into the places where they had been crammed, there were found some children next the sides of the ship, in the places most remote from light and air; they were lying nearly in a torpid state after the rest had turned out. The little creatures seemed indifferent as to life or death, and when they were carried on deck, many of them could not stand.
After enjoying for a short time the unusual luxury of air, some water was brought; it was then that the extent of their sufferings was exposed in a fearful manner. They all rushed like maniacs towards it. No entreaties or threats or blows could restrain them; they shrieked and struggled and fought with one another for a drop of this precious liquid, as if they grew rabid at the sight of it.”
Are we going to take longer to put a stop once and for all to the suffering of all these creatures? Are we not going to help ‘liberate’ them? Can not the compassionate step of putting an end to this live trade of cattle and other farm animals be embraced?
We strongly voice out against this inhumane live trade and reiterate our sincerest appeal to the Government of Mauritius to put end to the live importation of cattle and other animals labelled as ‘livestock’.
Read more:
  1. Damning: 21 investigations expose live export cruelty: http://www.animalsaustralia.org/investigations/live-export/
  2. Pregnant cattle suffer in Mauritian live export debacle, BanLiveExports.com: http://www.banliveexport.com/features/mauritius-live-export-debacle.php
  3. Eye Witness News, SPCA acts against ships of shame: http://ewn.co.za/2013/08/21/SPCA-wants-to-prevent-animal-exports
  4. Eye Witness to History.com, Aboard a Slave Ship, 1829: http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/slaveship.htm

Friday, 2 August 2013

Peaceful Protest March on the 3rd of August 2013 to Say NO! To Animal Experiments in Mauritius!

To all animal lovers,

Please consider joining in for a peaceful protest march on the 3rd of August 2013 to Say NO! To Animal Experiments in Mauritius! More details here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/999378_632612306757356_1810286001_n.jpg

Hope you will turn out in great numbers and voice out for animals. There is no excuse in this day and age to conduct experiments on animals. Do not allow this to happen in Mauritius! This barbaric practice has to cease once and for all.

Please sign the following petitions as well:
1) Say No! To Animal Experiments in Mauritius: http://petition.avaaz.org/en/petition/Say_No_to_Animal_Experiments_in_Mauritius

2) Ask Airlines to stop transporting primates (and other animals) for research: https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/tell-airlines-stop-transporting-nonhuman-primates-for-research#share

Thank you!

Do check: https://www.facebook.com/SayNoToAnimalExperimentsInMauritius?fref=ts

Monday, 1 July 2013

No To the Animal Welfare Bill (25 June 2013) which seeks to legalise animal experiments in Mauritius (not living up to its name)

The following is the letter I emailed to the Prime Minister, Ministry of Agro Industry and other officials:

Please feel free to use this as a sample, or write your own. The Animals need you!

"To the Honourable Prime Minister,

I am citizen of this country and I care a lot about animals. In my eyes, an animal has as much value as a human being and vice versa.
I am very concerned and disappointed that this bill, whilst adding nothing to already existing provisions providing a minimum of penalties against animal cruelty, in effect, seeks to further erode and downplay the already watered down standards of animal welfare in Mauritius by seeking to legalise animal experiments. It is outrageous and extremely disappointing to see that parliamentarians do not care about the voice of its people against animal experimentation. This bill is patently devoid of true and stronger provisions relating to the welfare of ALL animals in Mauritius.

The following online petition, gathering voices against animal experimentation in Mauritius, has already, on this day, reached 4073 signers and keeps growing: 
The following are issues which must urgently be added, changed, or removed from this bill for they contribute nothing towards the welfare of animals:
  • ·         The provision in this bill which provides for animal experiments in Mauritius ought to be completely obliterated. Nothing in this age of technology and human ingenuity justifies the use of animals in research. There are countless cruelty-free, more reliable and efficient non animal methods which can be used, instead. Animals in laboratories suffer enormously, both physically and mentally.  It is time human beings forgo from indulging into fruitless debates and recognize once and for all that the sentience of all animals – their ability to suffer and of experience all kinds of emotions – ought to put them on equal footing as humans and, thereby, bestow upon them, at the very least, a minimum of protections such as not being heartlessly subjected to cruelties in laboratories and the right to humane treatment and not to be tortured.

  • ·         The provisions providing for mandatory registration and microchipping of pet dogs are not in themselves sufficient. These provisions, and most of the provisions, of this bill are not alive to fact that many families in Mauritius do not have the means to pay even the most basic and important operation for their pets – that of sterilizing their animals. The government ought to consider either providing free microchipping and sterilization services, or, at least, subsidising the costs owners of pets will need to meet. In addition, in the eventuality that a microchipped pet is caught, the bill must provide that the owners will be notified so that they can come pick up their dogs; otherwise, the whole purpose of microchipping goes to waste and serves no effect whatsoever.

  • ·         36 hours of keeping a stray (possibly someone’s pet) has not improved on previously restrictive time limit and ought to be extended to at least 72 hours.

  • ·         The prohibitive fee range of Rs 1000 – Rs 3000 which make up the amount people will need to pay upon picking up either their registered or unregistered dog must be considerably lessened by at least a ½ or ¾ of the prescribed amount in this bill. The very fact that a person comes to pick up their dog/s show that they care for their animals, and possibly regret having allowed them to stray, and must not be punished with an excessive fine. Many Mauritians do not have that amount on hand.

  • ·         Humane Trap, Neuter and Return programmes concerning cats must be implemented. Cats are generally not 'indoorsy' animals and the only compassionate way to dealing with overpopulation of stray cats is by implementing humane trap, neuter and return programmes, and not indiscriminate catching and killing.

  • ·         The concept of Community-Owned Dogs
Harmless dogs which have already been sterilised and which are allowed to roam free and are fed by communities and individuals must be identified by a collar of a certain colour, and must not be picked up by the MSPCA (or the Mauritius Society for Animal Welfare).
  • ·         The bill also needs to provide about the need for immediately returning dog/s caught in an MSPCA net if the owner is nearby and calling for the release of their dog/s. A warning to that person needs to be sufficient.

  • ·         The Government should also seriously consider a general and broad Animal Welfare Act (as in in place in many countries of the world; the UK’s Animal Welfare Act and Germany’s Animal Welfare Act can be used as guidance to create an Animal Welfare Act for Mauritius which will recognise the sentience of animals, alongside, on its own, being avant-gardist and banning animal experimentation). In addition, codes of practice or codes of recommendations, as is in place in the UK, relating to the “welfare of dogs, cats, horses (including other equidae) and privately kept non-human primates” can be put in place to help the owners and keepers meet the needs of an overarching Animal Welfare Act.

  • ·         There is also a pressing need to introduce animal welfare codes or regulations in relation to farmed animals which will respect their five basic freedoms, namely: the freedom to be free from hunger and thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury or diseases; freedom to express normal behaviour; freedom from fear and distress.

So many thing can be done for animals, and the people of Mauritius have elected you to fully address their concerns. I urge you to be compassionate and to eradicate the provision in this bill concerning animal experimentation, as well as enhance this bill by better catering to the welfare and protection of all animals. 

Hoping you will take a humane, compassionate and an enlightened stance for the benefit of all animals,   


Do post a letter or send a mail to the following persons:
1)      Write to the Prime Minister at:
Prime Minister's Office
New Treasury Building
Intendance Street`
Port Louis
Email the Prime Minister on:

2)      Ministry of Agro Industry & Food Security
Levels 8 & 9
Renganaden Seeneevassen Building
Cnr Jules Koenig & Maillard Streets
Port Louis

Tel: (+230) 212 0854, (+230) 212 2940
Fax: (+230) 212 4427
E-mail: moa-headoffice@mail.gov.mu

3)      Principal Agricultural Officer(Veterinary Services) - Dr D MEENOWA
Phone: 454 1016
Fax: 464 2210

4)      Ministry of Tourism and Leisure and External Communications
(Tourism and Leisure Division)

Level 12, Air Mauritius Centre,
John Kennedy Street,
Port Louis.

Tel : 211 7930

Fax : 208 6776

Email : mtou@mail.gov.mu

Saturday, 29 June 2013

The following bill proposes to legalise animal experiments in Mauritius, please Say NO! to it!


The above bill, whilst adding nothing to already existing  provisions providing a minimum of penalties against animal cruelty, in effect, seeks to further erode and downplay the already watered down standards of animal welfare in Mauritius. It is outrageous and extremely disappointing to see that parliamentarians do not care about the voice of its people against animal experimentation.
The following petition, gathering voices against animal experimentation in Mauritius, has already, on this day, reached 4057 signers and keeps growing: http://petition.avaaz.org/en/petition/Say_No_to_Animal_Experiments_in_Mauritius

Do sign it and add your voice to all those who are against animal experimentation.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Below the Avaaz.org petition text which is currently ongoing about a dreadful Pre-clinical Research Bill - which would legalise animal testing- that the Mauritian Government is thinking of implementing. Please sign and share this petition widely. There is absolutely no excuse in this day and age to experiments on animals. As a Mauritian, I say a NO! to experiments on animal in Mauritius, and my vote will certainly NEVER go to those people who disregard the people's outcry against such atrocious cruelty. As of this date, the petition has gathered about 905 signatures, and I hope it keeps gathering more and more supporters. Come on people, voice out for animals! They are no different than children. Just because they do not express their suffering in human words does not mean they do not cry in pain, distress and immense fear. DO NOT EVER LET THIS BILL GO THROUGH! Please SAY NO! TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS IN MAURITIUS!

Here is a link to the petition: http://petition.avaaz.org/en/petition/Say_No_to_Animal_Experiments_in_Mauritius

"Say No! to Animal Experiments in Mauritius!


Mauritius is preparing to implement a Pre-Clinical Research Bill which will most likely involve the legalizing of experiments and tests on animals. We say a resounding NO to that!

Cruel, outdated, and invasive experiments on animals are no longer needed in this day and age. While we, in no manner, are against preclinical research, we fiercely denounce the use of animals in these researches. Animals are sentient creatures with complex nervous systems similar to humans. Evolving scientific understanding acknowledges animals to have substantial social and physiological needs seldom met under laboratory conditions. We advocate that proven more effective, non-animal techniques that yield both ethical and technological advantages are used instead.

We, therefore, strongly urge the Mauritian government to look into preclinical alternatives to the use of animals for biomedical research. Superior non-animal alternatives to research concerned with toxicity testing, endocrine disruptors, carcinogenicity, eye and skin irritation, dermal penetration testing and countless others have already been tried and approved by the European Reference Laboratory On Alternatives To Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) and the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM). Non-animal techniques in research are also backed by renowned organisations such as the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

These cruelty-free, ethical and more reliable non-animal alternatives include: computational based methodologies (in silico), in vitro testing using cell and tissue cultures, epidemiology, clinical studies on patients, and other non-animal methods such as pathological investigations (autopsies and biopsies) which are assuredly going to yield more precise results than painful and unnecessary animal testing.
Experiments and testing on animals do not belong to this era and, as responsible citizens of this world, it is our duty to continually develop alternatives to methods that generally impose immense stress, fear and suffering on our animal counterparts.

Indeed, the European Union is moving towards a ban on the marketing of cosmetics with ingredients tested on animals by 2013. This highlights the longstanding unethical aspect of using animals and the worldwide movement away from animal experimentation when non-animal methodologies abound. Both human and animal kind will be better off if cruelty-free methods are chosen rather than subjecting animals to atrocious and, very much avoidable, pain.

Mauritius is a country which can greatly benefit from the findings of distinguished international agencies and thus avoid duplicative testing altogether. There is absolutely no need to indulge in animal experimentation. Moreover, grants and other financial gain will be confined to conglomerates such as the ones already deriving profit from the much frowned upon monkeys breeding and export business. The general population of Mauritius will not gain anything from a cruel and unjustified legislation allowing animal experiments and testing.

A better solution is investing in non-animal biomedical research and studies which will not only boost the country’s image, but put us in the limelight as a country which dares to embrace animal welfare and take a step forward to show to the world that we are beyond subjecting our animals to unneeded cruelty when viable, cruelty-free methods exist and can be further developed.

It is our heartfelt appeal that plans to legalize animal experimentation and testing are immediately dropped and that ethical non-animal research alternatives be implemented."